Terms and Conditions

The escorts listed in minitofu.com are self employed independent escorts providing social companionship. This is not a website that advertises prostitution or any other illegal activities. This website advertises escorts’ companionship services and the phone line is to arrange a meeting between the escorts and third parties (customers). For our escorts’ security all customers are required to provide with their full names, phone number and full address in order to get an appointment with an escort. These details will not be stored, neither passed to third parties unless requested by Police or other law enforcement agency.

Terms of Use

You can book one of the escorts listed on the website by calling our phone line. There is no booking fee. But you need to pay your escort the appropriate hourly rate for her/his companionship at her/his arrival.

By booking one of the escorts listed on www.minitofu.com you CONFIRM that you AGREE with the TERMS AND CONDITIONS:

www.minitofu.com is a website /called the WEBSITE/ advertising independent escorts. By booking one of the escorts listed on the WEBSITE you enter into a business relation with the escort herself. The phone number listed on the WEBSITE is a HELPLINE to get your details passed to the escort. The WEBSITE is not an escort service provider. The WEBSITE is only for ADVERTISING SERVICES. The WEBSITE will not charge you for escort services. If you enter into a business relation with an escort listed on the WEBSITE, its a business between you and the escort.

This WEBSITE advertises escorts that provide social companionship.